The Natural News
Publication of Central North Field Naturalists Inc.
Instructions to authors
From late 2017 articles will be available in .pdf format as complete issues of The Natural News.
June 2024: We have started adding earlier editions dating from May 2017 in reverse order. So far 3 older editions have been added.
- No. 87 - May 2024 (455 kB)
- Revegetation at Fossil Bluff - Peter Lawrence
- Smallest ever liverwort? - Tom Thekathyil
- Eponyms—why are we still naming wildlife after people? - Sarah Lloyd
- No. 86 - December 2023
(528 kB)
- Tasmaniomyxa umbilicata – a new genus and species of myxomycete from Tasmanaia - Sarah Lloyd
- The farmer and the flower: a fable - Bob Mesibov
- A case of mistaken identity - Tom Thekathyil
- Genetic sequencing and iNaturalist - Sarah Lloyd
- No. 85 - August 2023
(505 kB)
- Of Ancient Origins: The Family Proteaceae - Philip Milner
- Hibbs pyramid - Richard Ashby
- Tasmaniomyxa umbilicata, a new genus of myxomycete - Sarah Lloyd
- No. 84 - April 2023
(572 kB)
- Fauna (Footage of animals using natural areas) Camera - Simon van der Veen
- Spyridium obcordatum at Hawk Trap Hill - update November 2022 - Phil Collier
- Evening with the Birds, Tasmanian Arboretum 16 February 2023 - Sarah Lloyd
- No. 83 - December 2022
(704 kB)
- As cute as a cunjevoi - Rod Mcqueen
- Smthton Sewage Ponds - Richard Ashby
- Solastalgia - a new and growing issue - Ian Ferris
- No. 82 - August 2022 (456 kB)
- The management of small reserves: implications for small marsupials - Philip Milner
- Fire regimes - Ian Ferris
- Robins 2020 - update - Sarah Lloyd & Hazel Britton
- Congratulations Phil Collier
- No. 81 April/May 2022 (520 kB)
- Lake Peddar - Richard Ashby
- Venom - Sarah Lloyd
- Figuring out the Lamprodermas - Sarah Lloyd
- No. 80 December 2021 (413 kB)
- Botanical Art - June Hilder
- A Trip to Marrawah - Richard Ashby
- A New Slime Mould Genus? - Sarah Lloyd
- No. 79 August 2021 (555 kB)
- Mysterious Marshes - Philip Milner
- Identifying Sun Orchids - Robin Garnett & Phil Collier
- Keystone Species - Sarah Lloyd
- No. 78 April 2021(342 kB)
- Tips and Tickles from a U.K. Macrofungi Course - Robin Garnett
- Heathland Plants and their Fungal Associations - Sarah Lloyd
- Wildlife at Westbury Reserve - Sarah Lloyd
- No. 77 December 2020 (380 kB)
- Following in the Footsteps of Michael Sharland and Brigadier Hugh Officer to the Northern Territory - part 2 - Richard Donaghey
- A Scribble about Scribbles - Ian Ferris
- CNFN Flame Robin 2020 Project - Hazel Britton
- Amorous Bluetongues - Sarah Lloyd
- My Experience with Biological Monitoring - Phil Collier
- Sugar Gliders - Sarah Lloyd
- No. 76 August 2020 (309 kB)
- Flame Robin Petroica phoenicea - Hazel Britton
- Bird observations at 'Feathertop', Summer 2019-2020 - Philip Milner
- Following in the footsteps of Michael Sharland and Brigadier Hugh Officer to the Northern Territory - Richard Donaghey
- No. 75 April 2020 (356 kB)
- Towards Carnivory? A Question for the Stylidium - Ian Ferris
- Beguiled by Galls Part 3 Galls of Tasmania - Rod McQueen
- Cutting it fine in Costa Rica - Sarah Lloyd
- No. 74 December 2019 (321 kB)
- Natural Plant Protection - Ian Ferris and Philip Milner
- Beguiled by Galls, Part 2 - Rod McQueen
- Fake News - Thismia rodwayi is not a saprophyte - Sarah Lloyd
- No. 73 August 2019 (319 kB)
- The Sun, the Earth and the platypus - Dr James Macgregor
- Beguiled by Galls - Rod McQueen
- No. 72 April 2019 (523 kB)
- Plants of the herblands, Narawntapu National Park - Philip Milner
- Summary of the fire forum at Campbelltown, August 2018 - Sue Gebicki
- Tubifera species at Black Sugarloaf - Sarah Lloyd
- Vale Rob Alliston
- No. 71 December 2018 (516 kB)
- Plants of Narawntapu National Park - Philip Milner
- Course on Identifying Fungi in Scotland - Robin Garnett
- Observations of Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoos in Westbury - Martha McQueen
- Plasmo - a vigorous fungivorous plasmodium - Sarah Lloyd
- No. 70 August 2018 (310 kB)
- Book Review: Beginner's guide to orchids of northwest Tasmania - Martha McQueen
- Rodenticides, rodents and raptors - Ron Nagorcka
- Observations of a Bassian Thrush - Linda Barker
- Reedy Marsh Conservation Reserve - Sue Gebecki
- How old? - Sarah Lloyd
- No. 69 April 2018 (339 kB)
- Wildlife by Kayak - Richard Ashby
- 2018 Year of the Bird
- Masked Lapwings - Sarah Lloyd
- Fluffy the 'Brancher' - Sarah Lloyd
- The Jacky Winter - Richard Donaghey
- No. 68 - December 2017 (414 kB)
- The Eastern Barred Bandicoot - Rod McQueen
- Eastern Barred Bandicoots in the Weegena Area - Jim Nelson
- Me and the EBB - Ron Nagorcka
- Hop Bitterpea - Sue Gerbicki
- Green Rosellas - what do they eat? - Sarah Lloyd
- No. 67 - September 2017 (412 kB)
- The CNFN Herbarium
- Newfoundland - Jim Nelson
- Myxomycetes in the Treeferns - Sarah Lloyd
- Drained swamp? - Ron Nagorcka
- No. 66 - May 2017 (1.07 MB)
- Pink Barnacles on Pumice: additional information - Hazel Britton, Sarah Lloyd and Julie Serafin
- Sixteen Legs - Book Review by Jim Nelson
- No Birds But Lots of Frogs - Letter to the Editor - Richard Ashby
- Iridescence - Sarah Lloyd
- Syridium obcordatum at Hawk Trap Hill - Phil Collier
- No. 65 - January 2017(341 kB)
- Nature Conservation in Aotearoa New Zealand - June Hilder
- Some birds of Aoteraroa New Zealand - Sarah Lloyd
- ECHIDNA extraordinary egg-laying mammal - Book Review by Sue Gebicki
- Tasmania's only tree orchid - threatened? - Ian Ferris and Philip Milner
- Habitat conservation for the giant freshwater lobster - Todd Walsh
- CNFN Life Members: Jim Nelson, Ron Nagorcka and Sarah Lloyd
- No. 64 - September 2016 (661 kB)
- Are the 2016 Highland fires a sign of things to come? - Nick Fitzgerald
- Impact of 2016 fires on Mole Creek karst - Deb Hunter
- Damned fauna - Sarah Lloyd
- Soil Biology 2 - Sue Gebicki
- No. 63 - April 2016 (678 kB)
- Campynema lineare, neither lily nor iris - Phil Collier
- Pink barnacles on pumice - Hazel Britton & Julie Serafin
- Platypus health and conservation research in the Inglis River catchment - James Macgregor
- Soil Biology 1 - Sue Gebicki
- No. 62 - December 2015 (641 kB)
- A fallen Stringybark - Sarah Lloyd
- The feathered tribes of Van Diemen’s Land - book review - Jim Nelson
- Lesser Wanderer - Hazel Britton & Alison Parks
- Tiny Worlds - Sarah Lloyd
- Sue’s garden - a painting - Jo Lawrence
- Herbicides for roadside management - Herbert Staubmann
- No. 61 - August 2015 (645 kB)
- Adventures in New Guinea: a dream fulfilled - Richard Donaghey
- Launceston Environment Centre - Peter Sims
- A creed for nature lovers - Ellis Troughton
- Sugar Gliders - Sue Gebicki
- No. 60 - April 2015 (695 kB)
- Tasmania's bush birds – a bleak outlook - Sarah Lloyd
- Tasmania’s bush birds – additional observations - Jim Nelson & Richard Ashby
- Observed connection between European wasps and willow trees - Sue Gebicki
- No. 59 - December 2014 (575 kB)
- The search for the Golden Fagus 2 - Paul Edwards
- Making a difference in urban bushland - Hazel Britton & Patricia Ellison
- Collembola at Black Sugarloaf - Andy Murray
- where the slime mould creeps: book review - Tom Thekathyil
- The Cape Broom psyllid
- bird observations at Birralee - Sue Gebicki
- No. 58 - August 2014 (689 kB)
- The search for the Golden Fagus 1 - Paul Edwards
- A subterranean liverwort - Tom Thekathyil & Phil Collier
- Fungi season - Sarah Lloyd
- Platypus health and conservation research update - James Macgregor
- Book Reviews:
Read C & Slattery B: Mosses of dry forests in south eastern Australia
Gates G & Ratkowsky D: A field guide to Tasmania fungi
McMullan-Fisher, Leonard P & Guard F: Australian subtropical fungi
- No. 57 - April 2014 (670 kB)
- Letter to the Editor - Richard Donaghey
- Observations of breeding and foraging behaviour of Greater Roadrunner - Richard Donaghey
- Reptiles at Cape Tourville - Sarah Lloyd
- Budj Bim - John Campbell
- Armchair foraying - anyone can do it - Sarah Lloyd
- Marsupials and monotremes - Sarah Lloyd
- No. 56 - December 2013 (687 kB)
- An aberrant Australian wood duck - Hazel Britton
- In praise of Silvereyes - Sarah Lloyd
- A count of Australian Pied Oystercatchers - Hazel Britton
- Federation weekend - Sarah Lloyd
- Wynyard landcare - Peter Lawrence & Graeme Stevenson
- Giant Centipede Ethmostigmus rubripes - Rod McQueen
- Australia's favourite bird - Superb Fairy Wren - Sarah Lloyd
- Everything's habitat – fauna from northeast Tasmania - Beris Hansberry
- A sorry tail - Ralph & Bee Bradshaw
- No. 55 - August 2013 (652 kB)
- The Coorong - Jim Nelson
- Bowerbird: a website for naturalists
- Vagrant birds - Sarah Lloyd
- Tubifera bombarda - a tropical slime mould in Tasmania - Sarah Lloyd
- Mt Kaputar national park - Sarah Lloyd
- Sykes Sanctuary, Railton - Sarah Lloyd
- Life on a blackwood log - Sarah Lloyd
- No. 54 - April 2013 (691 kB)
- What shall we call them? - Phil Collier
- Platypus health and conservation research - James Macgregor
- Fungus at Jackeys Marsh - Sarah Lloyd
- Dancing cranflies - Sarah Lloyd
- Myxomycetes - Sarah Lloyd
- Book Review: Lake Pedder - the awakening - Jim Nelson
- The common potoo and tawny frogmouth - Sarah Lloyd
- Convergent evolution - Sarah Lloyd
- No. 53 - December 2012 (724 kB)
- Owl's story - John Wilson
- Insects of Tasmania website
- Monitoring Spyridium - Phil Collier
- Metallic flies - Sarah Lloyd
- Native orchid pollinators - Phil Collier
- Slime moulds at Birralee - Sarah Lloyd
- CD review: Moggs Creek picnic ground - Ron Nagorcka
- CNFN president's comments - Jim Nelson
- No. 52 - August 2012 (693 kB)
- Revision of a Tasmanian endemic crayfish genus - Jim Nelson
- Book Review: Coracina - John Wilson
- Blue Gums in Ecuador - Ron Nagorcka
- Weighing the evidence about orchids - Phil Collier
- Ecuador: the land of birds - Sarah Lloyd
- A summary of the Little Penguin census at Lillico Beach
- Penguin facts - Sarah Lloyd
- No. 51 - March 2012 (594 kB)
- Dickin's bush flowers - John Wilson
- A return to Kink's Run - Jim Nelson
- Case Moths - Sarah Lloyd
- Case Moths feeding on orchid flowers - Phil Collier
- New liverwort, Lepidozia serrulata, for Tasmania - Tom Thekathyil
- Oviposting fly - Sarah Lloyd
- No. 50 - December 2011 (655 kB)
- Platypus conservation in Northern Tasmania - James Macgregor
- Insect discoveries at Ragged Jack and Lobster Falls - Alison Moore
- Wonderful woodswallows! - Sarah Lloyd
- Bryophytes - Sarah Lloyd
- No. 49 - July 2011 (687 kB)
- Climate watch volunteers needed to observe seasonal changes - Nick Fitzgerald
- Fungi and heathland plants - Sarah Lloyd
- The birds come knocking - Phil Collier
- Snakes (mostly) alive - Ron Nagorcka & Sarah Lloyd
- No. 48 - April 2011 (599 kB)
- The (un)natural history of a rural driveway - Phil Collier
- Created from Chaos: book review - Ron Nagorcka
- Highland invertebrates - Sarah Lloyd
- Northern snow skinks - Sarah Lloyd
- Keeping the common birds common - Sarah Lloyd
- No. 47 - January 2011 (645 kB)
- Estimating population size - Phil Collier
- Laccaria sp. A - Elizabeth Sheedy
- Mistletoe musings - Sarah Lloyd
- Tea-tree fingers, Hypocreopsis amplectens, in Tasmania - Tom May
- Keeping up the good work - Ron Nagorcka
- Observation post - Jim Nelson
- No. 46 - August 2010 (631 kB)
- A short visit to Kakadu - Jim Nelson
- Slime Moulds - Sarah Lloyd
- A new species, Cassinia rugata, for Tasmania - Phil Collier
- Vale Joan Elliot - Jim Nelson
- No. 45 - May 2010 (654 kB)
- Why crayfish - Jim Nelson
- Marine invertebrates at Penguin Shelf - Sarah Lloyd
- Tas Eco-Toxicology Research Fund
- The paradoxical mammal - Ron Nargorcka
- Notes on an epiphyllous liverwort - Tom Thekathyil
- the Australian pelican: a bird of superlatives - Sarah Lloyd
- No. 44 - 2010 (624 kB)
- Return to Daintree World Heritage - Jim Nelson
- Life on a dogwood log - Sarah Lloyd
- Cassowaries - Deb Kerr
- Salmonella, silvereyes, sparrows: please don't feed birds - Sarah Lloyd
- More on echidna, beeswax and bees
- Assistance required with seed collecting
- Moss leaves - Tom Thekathyil
- Why 'disjunct'
- No. 43 - Spring 2009 (619 kB)
- Two extraordinary birds: Painted Button-quail & Australian Owlet-nightjar - Sarah Lloyd
- Leave logs for frogs - Larry Polansky & Sarah Lloyd
- Flora of Tasmania online - Marco Duretro
- Will echidnas save the Prunarra Brown - John Wilson & Peter Sims
- Terra psittacorum - Sarah Lloyd
- Vale Peter Britton
- No. 42 - Winter 2009 (587 kB)
- Two Correas - Jim Nelson
- What wasp - Sarah Lloyd
- Identification keys
- Don't plant any more pines - Todd Dudley
- Sun flies - Sarah Lloyd
- Rare plants in the Tamar Valley - Helen Jones
- No. 41 - Summer 2008/2009 (621 kB)
- Fire, crayfish & truffles - Jim Nelson
- Rediscovering Hibbertia rufa - Roy Skabo
- Letter to the editor: pine trees and litter invertebrates - Bob Mesibov
- Editor's response - Sarah Lloyd
- Cool chicks and other beauties - Sarah Lloyd
- A sound idea: acoustic bird monitoring - Sarah Lloyd
- Winter sojourn on Deal Island - Alison Moore
- No. 40 - Spring 2008 (476 kB)
- Notes on the vegetation on west coast south of Macquarie Harbour - Nick Fitzgerald
- Grow more gorse? - Sarah Lloyd
- More on weeds - Sarah Lloyd
- Platypus monitoring - Josh Griffiths
- Photos from Port Sorell trip - Sarah Lloyd
- No. 39 - Winter 2008 (657 kB)
- Amphibian Chytrid fungus - Lisa Clarkson
- The fly that flew too fast - Sarah Lloyd
- Wings: an introduction to Tasmania’s winged insects. Review - Sarah Lloyd
- Plant more pines - Bob Mesibov
- Lucy bird - Yvonne Maher
- No. 38 - Summer/Autumn 2008 (496 kB)
- Thar she blows! - Rod McQueen
- In defence of cuckoos - Sarah Lloyd
- An endangered crayfish: can we make a difference? - Jim Nelson
- No. 37 - Summer 2007/08 (653 kB)
- Warming to the ice plants - Phil Watson
- Keystone species - Sarah Lloyd
- Orchid supplement - Sarah Lloyd
- No. 36 - Winter/Spring 2007 (522 kB)
- The silent cicada & other natural sounds - Sarah Lloyd
- Stimulating brews from hop bushes - Phil Watson
- Keeping a natural history diary - Lisa Clarkson
- Road kill survey by pushbike - Steve Cronin
- No. 35 - Autumn 2007 (500 kB)
- The Wielangta decision – where to now? - Jim Nelson
- Notes from a Roadside Naturalist 2 - Paul Hydes
- Summer observations - Sarah lloyd
- A case of mistaken identity & Emperor revealed
- The silent cicada & other natural sounds: book review - Jim Nelson
- No. 34 - Summer 2006-07 (521 kB)
- Leichhardt’s grasshopper - Helen Jones
- Hard rock - Ron Nargorcka
- Notes from a Roadside Naturalist - Paul Hydes
- Winter at Moulting Lagoon - Sarah Lloyd
- No. 33 - Winter 2006 (572 kB)
- Numbats, conservation & related corporate acronyms - Paul Hydes
- Footprints in the pollen (Part 2) - Phil Watson
- Back to Birch's - Jim Nelson
- Mycologists in paradise - Sarah Lloyd
- No. 32 - Autumn 2006 (516 kB)
- What's happening at Wielangta - Craig Woodfield
- Footprints in the pollen (Part 1) - Phil Watson
- Stromatolites - Helen Jones
- Dawn at Black Sugarloaf - Sarah Lloyd
- No. 31 - Summer 2005-06 (614 kB)
- Gannets: gormless but gorgeous - Rod McQueen
- Orioles, Brolgas and Cistiicolas: birdwatching in Victoria - Sarah lloyd
- The age of an estuarine woody plant Sclerostegia arbuscula at Port Sorell - Con Rhee
- Is five times more than coincidence? a possible fungus/ant association - Sarah Lloyd
- From the new president - Madi Hunt
- Platypus ulcer disease Mucor amphibiorum in Tasmania - David Obendorf
- Courtship displays
- The TTRIANTIWONTIGONGALOPE: from A book for kids by C.J.Dennis
- No. 30 - Spring 2005 (191 kB)
- More fun with Victorian millepedes - Bob Mesibov
- Bumblebees firmly established in northern Tasmanian native vegetation - Andrew Hingston
- Vanessa on the nettles - Sarah Lloyd
- vale: Dennis Morris 1924-2005
- No. 29 - Winter 2005 (375 kB)
- Lake Augusta - Helen Jones
- Bird notes from a small island - Paul Hyde
- Birds on farms Book Review - Mary Kille
- 10 days under the long white cloud - Jim Nelson
- Kings Creek – a vision for creating a community asset - Jim Nelson
- Fungimap Conference - Sarah Lloyd
- Astacopsis daft recovery sham - Jim Nelson
- Orchid help needed - Jasmine Janes
- No. 28 - Autumn 2005 (356 kB)
- "Havenly birds" - Sarah Lloyd
- Little Wattlebirds (a.k.a. the Garden Bully - Paul Hydes
- Rhythms of the Tarkine: Book & CD review
- Environmental Defenders Office
- Towards a pulpwood wilderness - John Hayward
- CNFN frog disease project update
- Henry’s broom - John Wilson
- No. 27 - Summer 2004/05 (615 kB)
- Victoria from the ground up - Bob Mesibov
- Thismias - rare plants or not enough people looking? - Sarah Lloyd
- Exploring Mt Stronach - Alison Moore
- Fungi - Sarah Lloyd
- Fraser Island - Helen Jones
- Frog research group finds Chytrid - Jim Nelson
- Yookamurra highlights - Paul Hyde
- Starling's parenting observations - Bee Bradshaw
- Gilbert's potoroo Potorous gilbertii
- Heron - Jim Nelson
- Request for information: Observations of Bumblebees in native vegetation - Andrew Hingston
- No. 26 - Spring 2004 (341 kB)
- Birds and Fungi - not that unrelated - Sarah Lloyd
- Failed nomination for the Forester Kangaroo - Steve Cronin
- A new CNFN project for troubled frogs - Jim Nelson
- A mitey story - Jim Nelson
- Frogs of Tasmania: Review - Jim Nelson
- Cocky's Corner - Peter Bamford & Jim Nelson
- No. 25 - Winter 2004 (395 kB)
- Extinction - Sarah Lloyd
- Magnificent Obsession - Lisa Clarkson
- Rats - Ron Nagorcka
- Coral reefs - Jim Nelson
- New Zealand kauri and ferns - Jim Nelson
- No. 24 - Autumn 2004 (382 kB)
- Heathland plants - how do they survive? - Sarah Lloyd
- Musings regarding local tree decline - Jim Nelson
- The woodpecker papers: Book Review - Ron Nagorcka
- "Equinoxious gales" - their aftermath and the tidy-up mentality - Sarah Lloyd
- Recent great excursions - Jim Nelson
- No. 23 - Spring/Summer
2003-4 (434 kB)
- Blight of the Bumble Bee - Jim Hunter
- Bumblebees: their invasion and impact - Andrew Hingston
- Predators and Prey - who do you barrack for? - Sarah Lloyd
- Blue Gum survey - Stephen Mallick
- Newhaven, a place for dreams - Jim Nelson
- Members' poetic observations - Alison Moore, Helen Jones, Carla, Peter Bamford
- No. 22 - Winter/Spring
2003 (366 kB)
- Colour in nature - Sarah Lloyd
- Pellets (or Casts) - Sarah Lloyd
- The thousand and first cut - John Hayward
- 2nd Fungimap conference - Sarah Lloyd
- A journey toward respect - Jim Nelson
- Song of the displaced crayfish - Peter Bamford
- No. 21 - Autumn 2003 (353 kB)
- Fossils from December excursion - Jim Nelson
- Quoll takes a fall for a white elephant - John Hayward
- Christmas Day at Brushy Lagoon - Sarah Lloyd
- Laughable misconceptions - Sarah Lloyd
- Geology excursion a ripper - Jim Nelson
- Haiku Variations: Frogs Galore
- No. 20 - Summer 2002-03 (354 kB)
- From lichens to London - Sarah Lloyd
- The colonial earth: Book Review - Ron Nagorcka
- Frog Groups - Jim Nelson
- Pesticides, herbicides and frogs
- Land for Wildlife
- Sperm Whales Physeter macrocephalus - Debbie Hill
- Leech: no more free transfusions - Peter Bamford
- No. 19 - Spring 2002 (173 kB)
- Autumn on King Island - Sarah Lloyd
- An odyssey to nature and politics - Jim Nelson
- Robins and Swift Parrots project - Sarah Lloyd
- No. 18 - Winter 2002 (193 kB)
- A trip to King Island - Sarah Lloyd
- The Magpie and the Frog - Jim Nelson
- Tadpoles of south-eastern Australia: book review - Jim Nelson
- No. 17 - Summer 2001-02 (329 kB)
- In search of the culprit - Erika Cox
- A crayfish tail - Jim Nelson
- The air is (scientifically) alive with the sounds of music - Ron Nagorcka
- Peregrine - the wanderer - Peter Bamford
- The last Tasmanian tiger: Book Review - John Hayward
- Tasmanian bird calls: CD Review
- No. 16 - Spring 2001 (381 kB)
- Birds with altitude - Jim Hunter
- Singing in thin air - Rene van Peer
- Masked Lapwings, Winged Watchdogs - Sarah lloyd
- Cordyceps gunnii with caterpiller
- No. 15 - Winter 2001 (170 kB)
- Flying ants, fire ants and fungi gardeners - Sarah Lloyd
- Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos - Peter Bamford
- No. 14 - March-April 2001 (344 kB)
- Protecting our forests Booklet Review - John Hayward
- Four-by-two - Peter Bamford
- Monograph on the Grey Butcherbird - John & Lynn Hayward
- Observations: the restless flycatcher; imitations by the spotted bowerbird - Sarah Lloyd
- The Engaeus project - Jim Nelson
- The 'techno-fix' - Jim Nelson
- Census time for the world's oceans - Christian Bell
- Vale: Mary Cameron
- No. 13 - January-February
2001 (376 kB)
- Australian ants: Book Review - Sarah Lloyd
- Along the Paroo - Ron Nagorcka
- Moths - Sarah Lloyd
- Astacopsis gouldi draft recovery plan - Jim Nelson
- No. 12 - Oct/Nov 2000 (378 kB)
- Blackberries, environmental weed or habitat? - Martyn Ewings
- Fungi 2000 - Sarah Lloyd
- Lake Bindegolly - Ron Nagorcka
- Biological control - substituting one problem for another? - Jim Nelson
- The world's most successful mammal - Jim Nelson
- Draft recovery plan made into a farce - Bill Thomas
- Draft recovery plan for Astacopsis gouldi - Jim Nelson
- No. 11 - Aug/Sep 2000 (366 kB)
- Postcard from Queensland - Ron Nagorcka
- Unnatural justice in Tasmania - John Hayward
- Running with the caribou: Book eview - Jim Nelson
- Cozumel Mexico, island of intrigue - Jim Nelson
- Dung Beetle Quintet - Peter Bamford
- No. 10 - N/A
- No. 9 - Mar/Apr 2000 (345 kB)
- CNFN leapfrog project - Karen Wilson
- Disgraceful. Worms in water - Bob Mesibov
- 'Hot Spots' could stem extinction - Paul Brown
- Bird study group excursion to Claude Road - Ron Nagorcka
- Three fungi - Peter Bamford
- Field companion to Australian fungi: Book Review - Jim Nelson
- Tasmania's nature conservation strategy - Jim Nelson
- Big Game - Jim Nelson
- No. 8 - Jan/Feb 2000 (519 kB)
- Shorebirds at George Town reserve - Jim Nelson
- Bugs and butterflies at Cradle Mountain - Sarah Lloyd
- Field naturalising up the creek in the big smoke - Ron Nagorcka
- Dear Minister: exotic yabby - Micah Visiu
- Bumblebees: update on another exotic organism for Australia - Andrew Hingston
- "Lets’s twist again like we did last summer"
- Australian cicadas: Book Review - Jim Nelson
- Vale: Claudia Nelson - Bee Bradshaw, Peter Bamford
- No. 7 - Nov/Dec 1999 (469 kB)
- Bumble bee sightings? - Andrew Hingston
- Dialect, Repertoire and Imitation: the language of birds - Sarah Lloyd
- The hidden world of Passalid Beetles - Owen Seeman
- Double haiku: I am like a heron & After the bushfire - Peter Bamford
- The SAC of Tasmania - John Hayward
- Big Styx Big Waste - Martin Ewings
- Between Tasmanian Tide Lines: Book Review - Tony Aiano
- Common Grasses of Tasmania: Book Review - Jim Nelson
- Deadly disclosures, whistle blowing and ethical meltdown Book Review
- No. 6 - Oct/Nov 1999 (495 kB)
- Threatened Species Strategy - Jim Nelson
- Birds and Fire - Sarah Lloyd
- Conservation in the North Island - John Hayward
- In the footsteps of Garibaldi! - Tony Aliano
- 5 Days on an Island - Jim Nelson
- No. 5 - Jul/Aug 1999 (509 kB)
- Fascination with Fascination - Jim Nelson
- Charismatic Microfauna - John Hayward
- Volcanoes down home - Ron Nagorcka
- 15 Tasmanian species of burrowing crayfish Engaeus - Jim Nelson
- A short trip to Culinary Mycology - Tony Aliano
- No. 4 - May/Jun 1999 (504 kB)
- Pacific Golden Plover - the great migrator - Jim Hunter
- Stepping on snakes - Jim Nelson
- The Giant Humbug and its predators - John Hayward
- Welcome Hangout - Martyn Ewings
- Dilapidated Longicorn - Carla Schriever
- RFA and the cray - Jim Nelson
- Plant Page
- No. 3 - Mar/Apr 1999 (559 kB)
- Editorial, introduction to lead article on Astacopsis habitat - Bruce Worth
- Streamside Reserves, the precautionary principal and Astacopsis gouldi - Bill Thomas
- Dick Young, ecologist - Jim Nelson
- 1st edition and future issues of The Natural News - Bruce Worth
- No. 2 - N/A
- No. 1 - N/A
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