Instructions to authors

The Natural News, the newsletter of the Central North Field Naturalists Inc.

Please keep articles to one to two pages (preferably around 1000 words) and sent as an UNFORMATTED word document, i.e. as a word doc. or as rich text format (rtf). Unformatted means no dot points and without different fonts or colours for title and author etc. These all have to be changed when the text is imported into Indesign.

Please email one or several colour images separately as attachments, i.e. NOT embedded in the article. Please don’t crop your photographs. Images should be reduced to approximately 1 MB. Please include suggested captions and photo credits, either by renaming your images or in the text at the bottom of your article.

As the newsletter is for a general audience common names of species should be used in the text, unless there is no common name as in the case for most fungi and slime moulds. When using common names the scientific name should be included in brackets only after the first use of the name. Please use the accepted common names for Australian birds as outlined by Birdlife Australia. Scientific names are not required for birds.

When using abbreviations, please provide words in full when first used. e.g. Natural Resource Management (NRM)

Please keep references to a minimum. Long articles will be placed in full on the Disjunct Naturalist website.

The editor reserves the right to make minor changes to the text. If major changes are required the revised text will be sent to the author for approval.

Please email documents and images to Sarah Lloyd

Deadlines for newsletters: 30 March, 30 July, and 30 November.

Contributing photographs to The Natural News

Images sent for inclusion to TNN without an article should have the following:

Please select good quality images and do not crop your photographs. Images should be reduced to approximately 1 MB and emailed as an attachment. Please include a sentence or two about the subject depicted and include captions and photo credits in the email with the images.

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